We are a body of Christ
with a passion to glorify God and renew lives

God has given us a vision for who He wants us to be. That vision is to be…
…a body of Christ with a passion to glorify God and renew lives.
Our Mission
Mission is the answer to the question, what is our purpose?
Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church exists to preach and teach God’s Word so that people make a personal decision for Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, worship God as part of a corporate body of believers, grow as part of a nurturing, Christ-centered community, and develop a personal ministry in the Body of Christ and the world.

Our Beliefs
Mission is the answer to the question, what is our purpose?
Our church is part of the Cumberland Presbyterian community. As a community we have a confession that expresses our theological beliefs. You can find that confession here, but if you want a quick summary we have provided one below.
We believe in the one true and living God, creator and redeemer of all things. Through God, all things live, move and have their being. God exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is holy, eternal, unchanging, wise, just and good. Most of all God is love. Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 John 4:8
God’s Word
God speaks to all people through the Bible. Through the Bible, who God is, what God has done for us and God’s will for salvation and human life is revealed to us. God created the Bible by inspiring different people at different times to write through the inspiration of His Holy Spirit. The Bible is without error in the original writings, the final authority for all faith and practice. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21
God’s Son Jesus
Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus being fully God is co-equal with God the Father. Through Jesus, God became fully human in order to rescue humans from sin and the consequence of sin, life without God. While living among us, Jesus lived the perfect life making himself the perfect sacrifice for our sins when He was crucified on the Cross. After three days, Jesus rose to life confirming that He had defeated both death and sin. Jesus has now ascended to His Father and will return to Earth at the proper time. John 10:30, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4
God’s Spirit
God’s Holy Spirit is equal with both Jesus the Son and God the Father. Through His Spirit God makes people capable of faith, convicting of sin and calling persons back to Him. God’s Spirit is present in the lives of people who have received God’s salvation through Jesus, illuminating, guiding and empowering the Christian’s life with God. John 3:6-8, Galatians 5:22-23, Ephesians 1:13
God’s Greatest Creation
All people are created by God in His image, thus deserving respect. Sadly, all people have fallen from God, having sinned and turned away from Him and are now separated from Him. Only by God’s gracious act of salvation can persons be restored. Romans 1:23, Romans 3:23,
God’s Greatest Gift
God has acted graciously through His Son Jesus to save whosoever will repent of sin and place their faith in Him and follow Jesus as Lord. Those who do so receive God’s Spirit and begin a new eternal life with God as His son or daughter. All may do so at any place or any time. John 1:12, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:25
God’s Church
Those who have begun a new life with God are now members of God’s Church. As such our lives are united together in worship, growth, fellowship and God’s mission to the world. It is rightly said that the church is the Body of Christ on Earth. Matthew 28:18-20, John 20:21, 1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 3:10
Vision Guidelines
– We believe, preach and teach that the Bible is the true and inerrant Word of God.
– We praise, worship, and glorify our God in all we do.
– We believe that we are saved by God’s loving gift of grace through His Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ.
– We prayerfully seek God’s guidance and direction through the Holy Spirit as we surrender totally to His will.
– We seek a closer walk with God and we know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that no one comes unto the Father but through Him.
– We help people discover their spiritual gifts and provide opportunities to apply them as we nurture, disciple, educate, and equip our members of the Body for God’s work.
– We embrace the great commission and strive to make disciples both locally and globally as we proclaim the Gospel to help others discover their need for Jesus Christ.
– We live as a Body of Christ with faith, hope, and love as we share in each other’s joys, trials and tribulations as we mature in both our relationships and our spiritual walk.
– We are committed to service above self as we engage in our communities to provide hope and support for those in need.
– We demonstrate integrity in all we do both individually and as a congregation through the Holy Spirit.